Sovereign House Books -

Exiled French royalists in 1815

With some three weeks in advance of the release of Volume Two it is perhaps nice as well as interesting for everyone to know we will continue following the endeavours of the exiled French royalists, where we left them behind in our first volume. King Louis XVIII and his entourage in Ghent, or their small derelict army cantoned at the town of Alost, embodied an awkward relationship with the Netherlands officials by continuously harassing each other over small political and military affairs. As such this small history is once again worth paying attention to.
























We will present the panic at Ghent on 16 June and the subsequent rout of some National Militia battalions garrisoned in the town to Antwerp, but also the troubled relations between the French royalist army commander the Duc de Berry at Alost and its Netherlands commander Lieutenant-Colonel Corneille Vermeulen. How the latter informed his superior at Ghent, ambassador Robert Fagel. Or perhaps even more thrilling: the exact time of arrival at Ghent and forwarding to Alost of the Duke of Wellington's letters sent the evening of 15 June to both Duc's de Berry and de Feltre on the Prussian General von Zieten's information about the opening attack of the French army (the famous 9 o'clock debate!).

The author has gone at great length to find various memoires of exiled French officers. Similar as with the previous news item here on the defected Général Bourmont, who we will find back again on the path of the Netherlands army, when its forces besiege the towns of Le Quesnoy and others. But that is something to look forward to in Volume Four.









Three weeks to release

Yes indeed, Sovereign House books and its author are almost finished with the edited version of Volume Two, preparing the layout, presenting numerous biographies of officers in a seperate annex, and at the moment working very hard to complete the digitalised maps.


Copyright Sovereign House Books 2013