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Battle of Waterloo books spread around the world

Gradually word spreads across the globe that our books on the Waterloo campaign and the specific contribution of the Netherlands army are very interesting and are a must have for anyone interested in the 1815 campaign, the final war against the emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and France.

Now online bookshops sell our publications as well, such as Caliver Books in the United Kingdom, or Berliner Zinnfiguren / Preussisches Bücherkabinett in Germany and last but not least this week On Military Matters in the USA has announced our books to be part of their portfolio. We also hope to include Ken Trotman Ltd. in the near future as well as the bookshop of the visitors centre at the battlefield of Waterloo! Meanwhile with the shops now mentioned, you will be able to run into our books worldwide and especially on occasions such as wargame shows and venues.

Our series of books on the 1815 campaign and the Battle of Waterloo is one of the most exciting new publications of the past years. Never before in the past decades was there such a revealing history made available, integrating history with so many new and hitherto unknown accounts.

An opportunity you cannot miss.
