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The Dutch-Belgians at Waterloo

In three volumes we present the hitherto largely unknown history of the Dutch-Belgian army in the 1815 Waterloo campaign. New research in archives and a wealth of mostly unknown eyewitness accounts from Dutch, Belgian and Nassau officers and soldiers, provides more knowledge on the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Especialy on their role in the early hours of the defence of the crossroads of Quatre Bras, or that Bijlandt's brigade was behind the hollow road from the start of the battle of Waterloo, how exactly the Prince of Orange got wounded while leading a brave countercharge to secure the weakened Allied center, what precisely was the role of general Chassé's troops in the fight against the Imperial Guard and finally, how was one Nassau battalion able all day long to withstand the French assaults in the Hougoumont farm (together with the British defenders).

These three volumes on the role of the Dutch-Belgians in the Waterloo campaign add more information to the general understanding. And moreover, it is not chauvenistic, but critical where necessary, and with ther addition of hundreds if not thousands of new primary documents in fact the largest contribution to this history in the past few years.

Truly a wonderful addition to your library!

Dutch Belgians Waterloo campaign books

And let's not forget.... a fourth volume is being prepared to complete this history of the Netherlands field army in the 1815 campaign.


Waterloo 200: history of 200+ veteran accounts

The history we present in our publications on the role of the Netherlands field army in the 1815 Waterloo campaign, could not have been told without the voices from the past of numerous veterans. They left us a great number of eye-witness account in letters written back home just after the battle, or published these in memoirs, diaries & journals, or answered questions about what they remembered to historical writers on the campaign in later life.

These accounts add up to more than 200 memories! Without their accounts, it would have been impossible to get so close to the events and inside the battles fought. It is the reason why we here at Sovereign House Books decided to incorporate as many of their stories into our publications, so that you, the reader, can get as close as possible as well.

Let us honour some of these veterans from 1815, who did not leave us their accounts, but nonetheless are part of this history! Let us honour all these veterans!

Waterloo veteran

Anonymous veteran

Look here for a few more of these Netherlands veterans!

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Waterloo 200: marching on to Paris

With the victorious battle remembered yesterday, the armies moved on to Paris.

For the Netherlands troops it was Captain Charles Nepveu who brought them the order in the early hours of 19 June.

Wellington and Blücher meet at Waterloo

Nepveu later wrote: I found myself on the evening at 11 p.m. by sheer accident at the side of the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blücher at the moment they met eachother. Blücher did not speak French and Wellington no German, and they were obliged to have the congratulations on the victory of the battle translated. I went to pass the night between 1 and 3 at Waterloo, where I hoped to find general Constant. I had to take care myself of my horse, which was very fatigued. At 3 o'clock I left to search for the various corps of the Netherlands army to deliver them te order to move to Nivelles, where I arrived on the 19th at 8 o'clock in the morning.

See his portrait here in later life, when he had received the noble title of baron:

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Waterloo 200: it is W-Day!

And then it is W-Day, 18 June 2015. Enjoy the commemorations and our best book offer or browse through our e-Books!

Waterloo 200: Dutch army honours its fallen comrades

Each year the Dutch army faithfuly honours its fallen comrades of the 1815 campaign.

Or to be more precise, gathers at the Dutch cavalry monument at the crossroads of Quatre Bras. Here all the officers and men from all cavalry corps serving in 1815 in the Netherlands army, both Dutch and Belgian, are remembered with military honour and distinction. These men gave their lives for the freedom of our once united kingdom and now two befriended nations.

Waterloo Quatre Bras Dutch Belgians

Fortunately this annual remembrance meant that the Dutch army in one small but nonetheless very important way was present on the battlegrounds of 1815 during these bicentanary days! Honouring our fallen heroes and commemorating the 1815 campaign.

I am grateful here to use some of the photographs taken today on 17 June at the commemoration and published by General van Keulen, brigade commander of the 13th Light Brigade and Weapon eldest of the Cavalry in the Dutch army. Remembering is a shared value between us as civilians and our military men.

Please, honour these fallen Dutch and Belgian men for a moment.

And look further down here for this special annual moment.

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